Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Down To My Last

I lost my favorite brush! It's not a fancy or expensive brush, but I learned a long time ago that those things rarely matter with art supplies. I started making so much more art when I stopped going to the art supply store all the time and getting sucked into the trap of "if I only had THIS kind of brush and THESE new paints I would be doing something so much better" and then putting off actually ever making any art. But even after telling that little story I still don't have my favorite brush, so this painting was done with a new brush that will probably not be my new favorite because it holds so much water that I'll probably take it with me the next time I go camping instead of a canteen.

I'm not a very superstitious person so losing the brush is not like losing my lucky underwear (but if I had a pair I would draw monsters all over it to keep my privates safe), but it has thrown me off quite a bit. For the longest time I would just paint with whatever was at hand and let the randomly chosen brush dictate the feel of the painting. But lately I've grown so comfortable with this one brush that I'm having a hard time accepting the loss and moving on. I ended up making this painting as an attempt to jump to new gear, but I have to admit that my heart wasn't really in it with this one. It feels trite to me and the contrast between the red flower and black flowery collar on the monster didn't end up anything like I wanted it to.

The painting in this post is a submission for another Underneath The Juniper Tree contest (http://underneaththejunipertree.blogspot.com/2011/05/play-it-again-tex-music-challenge.html). The first issue of their digital magazine comes out tomorrow and as long as they're not openly mocking my art I will probably continue to submit things for them to review as I really like their mission of bringing creepy and interesting art to kids and adults.

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