Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Paint The Memory

So I finally started painting again and then got an amazing sinus infection that made it impossible to sit over a painting without coughing and whining all over it. I did start a few things though, including the painting above that goes back to a time when I had to take a lot of medication just to stay out of the hospital. It messed with my vision and sense of self so I'd spend a lot of time just staring into the mirror, transfixed by me and my memory.

Which I'm pretty sure the "you" in this Mountain Goats song is referring to and not someone else. I'm probably prone to zone out in a mirror anyway, but especially during those medicated times I remember trying to figure out if it was the current me disgusted with the memory of me or vice versa. Being medicated is terrible.

Somehow while I was moderately medicated for this pain in my head (the actual one from my sinuses, not the psychological one that's always there) I manged to paint some of the fence outside my house. Since I haven't done much else of note lately, I'm claiming it as art and posting it here.

PS Everyone in the Seattle area should go see The Mountain Goats on June 23 at the Columbia City Theater. I'll be there, coughing.


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