Friday, May 11, 2012

Yeah, It's Beautiful Here Too

My daughter has recently been obsessed with the Rainbow Fairies books by the five-year-old girl hive mind known as "Daisy Meadows" ( For those of you who haven't had the pleasure of reading them, they all boil down to the same basic series of events:
  • Fairy loses magic item
  • Young girls who never go to school team up with fairy to find magic item
  • Turns out goblins stole the magic item
  • Goblins are no match for the cleverness of young girls + fairy, magic item returned to fairy
It seems like there are hundreds of these books, and for all I know there could even be thousands. The things pretty much write themselves as long as you remember to change up the inanimate object that's gone missing (although I know of at least three Christmas books in the series, so even genius repeats itself). The goblins are a thinly veiled allegory for boys and how single-minded, bumbling, easily influenced, and mischievous they are so all you really need to do is make sure the goblins steal said object and -POW- instant bestseller.

Because I love my daughter like crazy, I've not only read several hundred thousand of these books, but I also painted her a rainbow fairy of her own. In blue, because suddenly blue is better than pink. Until next week, when purple becomes the new blue.

Also, a Superchunk song for no particular reason:

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