Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Under The Sea

If I could be any kind of human raised in an alien environment, I would be the Martian kind like Valentine Michael Smith in Robert Heinlen’s “Stranger In A Strange Land”. Not so much for the grokking or the founding of a religious cult (although both sound fun), but for the ability to sit at the bottom of the pool for hours. As it stands, I max out somewhere between a minute and two minutes. The doodles here are only loosely affiliated because they live in the water in my mind, but I do have a very personal painting-in-waiting along the lines of “Bear”. When the time comes for me to actually make it, I want to be able to depict the comforting, invisible cocoon I envision around me under the water.

Sometimes I can convince myself that if I were to open my mouth and breathe in I would simply continue on with my meditation, cycling the air trapped in my fur like an otter. Other times I imagine breathing liquid oxygen like in Jim Munro’s Angry Young Spaceman (http://www.amazon.com/Angry-Young-Spaceman-Jim-Munroe/dp/1568582080). I like moody coming-of-age sci-fi with an underwater theme. I haven’t been painting recently for a few reasons, but as of right now I’m full of motivation and ambition and provided I can carry that through to the end of the day should have a very productive night and will post the results. Fairy godmother of rats, here I come!

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