Wednesday, May 18, 2011

After Midnight

Despite their magical appearance and fabricated back story, I'm pretty sure that fairies are completely lacking in actual magic. But that doesn't mean that after an evening of trying to turn rats into something more spectacular that their fairy godmother couldn't learn to love them as they are.

I put "rat fairy" into google's image search and found that I was not the only person to come to this conclusion. I seem to bump into Jasmine Becket-Griffith's (aka strangeling) work on a lot of the art sites I participate in, but that could be a wishful association on my part considering she has a contract with Disney and I have a contract with laziness. I imagine her gig is much better paying, though possibly not as relaxing.

I also found this piece by Lauren Mills ( that I liked a lot. I don't love everything she's done, but some of her work is the kind of displaced and slightly creepy art from children's literature that I really enjoy.

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